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Rezension EP Revelation / Rock Hard, Italien
Song Throne - YouTube Channel Trailer / Headbanger Channel
Promotion EP Revelation / Metal Shutter, Italien
Interview / Ever Metal, UK
Promotion EP Revelation / The X-ALE, USA
Spotify / 100 Followers
Rezension EP Revelation / Odymetal, Frankreich
Song Seals auf dem Legacy Sampler
Rezension EP Revelation / Legacy
Interview / Legacy
EP Revelation in Spotify Playlist / The Viking in the Wilderness
EP Revelation - Behind the Artwork / Breathing the Core
EP Revelation Track by Track / Breathing the Core
Interview / Breathing the Core Zine
Promotion EP Revelation / Crunchy Newz, Griechenland
Demontre Radio, Argentinien
Interview / The Musical Hype, USA
Metal Devastation Radio, USA
Rezension EP Revelation / Metal Digest, USA
Interview / Drop the Spotlight, USA